Improve the nested circle of squares by filling the squares with different colors. You may use Python’s colorsys library.
Improve the nested circle of squares by filling the squares with different colors. You may use Python’s colorsys library.
Knowing how to draw circle of squares, draw the following nested circle of squares with either recursion or iteration. Source Code:
Draw the following circle made up with squares. You may need use trigonometry to solve this. Source Code:
Draw the following spiral with hexagon shape. In each loop, increase the forward length and turn slightly less than 60 degrees. Source Code:
Draw the following spiral with pentagon shape. In each loop, increase the forward length and turn slightly less than 72 degrees. Source Code:
Draw the following spiral with square shape. In each loop, increase the forward length and turn slightly less than 90 degrees. Source Code:
Draw the following spiral with triangle shape. In each loop, increase the forward length and turn slightly less than 120 degrees. Source Code:
Draw the shown fractal of stacked squares with Python and Turtle. Source Code:
The the following fractal tree made up of squares with recursion. Source Code:
Draw the following Sierpinski triangle made up of squares. Use recursion and Turtle graphics to draw this shape. Source Code: