Based on Pythagoras Tree, draw a version with filled color. Color branches with brown and leaves with green. Source Code:
Based on Pythagoras Tree, draw a version with filled color. Color branches with brown and leaves with green. Source Code:
Color the square tree fractal using the colorsys library. Source Code:
In a previous project you animated a clock. Improve the clock by making all hands move continuously. Source Code:
The the following fractal tree made up of squares with recursion. Source Code:
Draw the following Sierpinski triangle made up of squares. Use recursion and Turtle graphics to draw this shape. Source Code:
Animate the transition from Sierpinski Triangle tree to Fractal tree as shown. This project is related to Sierpinski Triangle and Fractal Tree. Source Code:
Write a connect 4 program with Python and Turtle graphics. Your game should be able to let two human players play against each other and declare winner or tie when
Design a two player tic-tac-toe game with Python Turtle. You will need to use onclick() event to let two human players play against each other. Source Code:
In a previous project called massive chasing game, you simulated a game where you created 100 turtles and each turtle chase the next one and the last turtle chase the
Draw the following shape of triangles with recursion.