Continuing from the rotating spaceship project, allow the spaceship to accelerate by using the ‘up’ arrow key. Also show the rocket fuel when the thrust happens. When the spaceship goes
Continuing from the rotating spaceship project, allow the spaceship to accelerate by using the ‘up’ arrow key. Also show the rocket fuel when the thrust happens. When the spaceship goes
Continuing from Moving Asteroid in Space project, add rotation to the asteroid.
Continue from a previous project with one moving line, and knowing how to detect if two lines intersect, animate two randomly moving lines. When these two lines intersect, color the
Draw many lines with Python Turtle. If a line intersect with another line draw the line in red color, otherwise draw it in black. Knowing the orientation of triangles may
Arrange Koch Snowflakes to fill the screen.
In this tutorial we are show you how to draw random mountain curves: The general idea is to define a recursive function that draw mountain curve given two end points.
Draw a random mountain curve given two end points. Tutorial for this project available: How to Draw Random Mountain Curves with Python and Turtle What’s next:Draw Blue Sky, Mountains, Clouds
Epitrochoid to Epicycloid is similar to Hypotrochoid to Hypocycloid. Epitrochoid is a generalization of Epicycloid where the tracking point can lie inside or outside the rolling circle. Animate the drawing
Hypotrochoid is a curve very similar to Hypocycloid. But it is more general than Hypocycloid because the point we are tracing doesn’t have to lie on the circle. It can
Epicycloid is a curve that is formed by tracing a fixed point on the circle that is rolling around outside a static circle. Animate this tracing steps with Python Turtle.