Use isosceles triangles to fill the plane from the center.
Use isosceles triangles to fill the plane from the center.
Add colors to Semi-Regular Tessellation
There are 8 semi-regular tessellations. Draw the following semi-regular tessellation with Python Turtle.
Add colors to the Rhombus Tessellation.
Use Python Turtle to draw the Rhombus Tessellation as shown below.
Animate many projectiles shot from a platform all with same speed but different initial angles. Which projectile landed first? Which projectile landed farthest? Which projectile landed latest? Use colorsys library
Using physics equations to simulate a projectile motion with initial speed of 65 meters/second and 45 degree angle.
Epitrochoid to Epicycloid is similar to Hypotrochoid to Hypocycloid. Epitrochoid is a generalization of Epicycloid where the tracking point can lie inside or outside the rolling circle. Animate the drawing
Continuing from Hypotrochoid project, create program that allows users to draw many Hypotrochoid on one canvas to generate a beautiful spirograph. Ask users to enter the following parameters: the ratio
Hypotrochoid is a curve very similar to Hypocycloid. But it is more general than Hypocycloid because the point we are tracing doesn’t have to lie on the circle. It can