Vogel’s Model uses Golden Angle as spacing between two dots. Vary this spacing number around the Golden Angle and see what the model looks like.
Vogel’s Model uses Golden Angle as spacing between two dots. Vary this spacing number around the Golden Angle and see what the model looks like.
Vogel’s model is closely related to the Fermat’s Spiral. Instead of continuously drawing the spiral curve, Vogel’s model draws dot in constant spacing. The constant space used in Vogel’s model
In a previous project, you drew Archimedean Spiral, in which radius increase linearly with the angle. In Fermat’s spiral, radius increases in proportion to the square root of the angle.
In style similar to Fibonacci Spiral, draw the following Golden Spiral. Unlike Fibonacci tiling, the ratio between to successive squares is strictly golden ratio (1.61803398875). Please note that Golden Spiral
Draw Fibonacci tiling and Golden Ratio Tiling in one canvas. Which one is Golden Ratio Tiling?
Golden Ratio is a number fib(n+1)/fib(n) will converge to, where fib(n) represents n-th fibonacci number. The value is (1+sqrt(5))/2 ≈ 1.61803398875. In similar style to fibonacci tiling, draw a golden
Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers with each number being the sum of previous two numbers. The first numbers are 1, 1. Here is the first 10 numbers in
Let’s zoom into Mandelbrot Set and see what details it has. Each picture shows the x,y coordinates of the center and the radius.
Continuing from Mandelbrot Set project, use colorsys library to set the hue based on the number of iterations needed to go outside the boundary. The result can be an amazingly
Mandelbrot Set is a very intriguing and complex shape. Although it doesn’t appear to be recursive, it has part that contains the main shape shown here. You will need to