Draw the following 12-Flake with Python Turtle. Related Projects:OctaflakePentaflake
Draw the following 12-Flake with Python Turtle. Related Projects:OctaflakePentaflake
Draw the Octaflake fractal with recursion and Turtle library. The following shows Octaflake in various recursion depths: Instead of stopping the recursion by recursion depth, you can also stop the
Based on petaflake fractal, color it with colorsys library. Source Code:
Draw the shown pentaflake fractal shape. The following figures show pentaflakes in different recursion depths. Source Code:
Just for fun, draw a colored version of spiral of spirals using the colorsys library. Source Code: (This may a few minutes)
Modify spiral of spirals such that the direction of sub spirals start from almost the opposite direction to the current spiral. Source Code: (This code may run a few minutes)
Draw the following spiral that consists of spirals. Check out this project (spiral of squares) first before working on this one. Source Code: (This program may runs for minutes)
In a previous project, we draw a 5 degree square spiral in a square. Use the colosys library to fill the square with gradually changing hues. Also, reduce the tilting
As you can see in the following picture, the squares are tilted by 5 degrees inside a bigger square generating spiral effect. Source Code:
Draw the following spiral of squares with Python and Turtle. Source Code: