Use circle() function’s extent property, and alternate penup() and pendown() to draw a dashed circle shown here.
Use circle() function’s extent property, and alternate penup() and pendown() to draw a dashed circle shown here.
What will happen to a large number of randomly moving objects if you let them follow only one rule: try to move in the same direction as your neighbors do.
Knowing how to draw a crescent shape. Draw a colorful ring of crescent shapes as shown with a loop and colorsys library.
Draw a yellow flower with 5 petals. Check here to find an easier project that draws a single petal. Also check out the tutorial on drawing a single petal.
Draw a 10-petal flower as shown. If you haven’t done so, try a single petal first. Also check out the tutorial on drawing a single petal.
We have a random maze generator project. Try to generate a circular maze. The entrance is at the top and exit is at the center. Again, make sure there is
You drew a spider web in a previous project. Draw a spider web with a hole at the center.
Generate a random maze as shown in here. Your maze must have a path from entrance (bottom left) to exit (top right). Also, try to make the maze as difficult
You created a random letter matrix in a previous project. Write a program that generates a random word search table given a list of words. You will practice list, string
Generate a matrix or random letters from A to Z.