You drew 60 tilted circles. Now draw fewer circles but with circles of expanding sizes. You can also add color to make it look better.
You drew 60 tilted circles. Now draw fewer circles but with circles of expanding sizes. You can also add color to make it look better.
Continuing from Mandelbrot Set project, use colorsys library to set the hue based on the number of iterations needed to go outside the boundary. The result can be an amazingly
Mandelbrot Set is a very intriguing and complex shape. Although it doesn’t appear to be recursive, it has part that contains the main shape shown here. You will need to
Animate the rainbow spiral by making it rotate.
In Square Spiral 2 project, you drew a static square spiral. Animate it by making it rotate.
In previous projects, you drew 60 tilted circles and 60 tilted circles with a hole in the center. Now animate it by making the hole grow larger while keeping the
In a previous project you drew a circle spiral. Now animate it to a vertigo effect. Vertigo Animation
In a previous project, you drew 60 titled circles (Turtle’s heading directions are different). Now add rainbow color to it with colorsys library. You may also need to define your own
In a previous project, you drew 60 titled circles (Turtle’s heading directions are different). Compare the difference and draw this new shape.
Draw 60 evenly spaced out tilted circles (Turtle’s heading directions are different for these circles) as shown here: Related Project: 60 Tilted Squares