Animate the Gradient Illusion by changing the background gradient dynamically.
Animate the Gradient Illusion by changing the background gradient dynamically.
The bar in the middle seems to get darker from left to right. Actually, the bar as the same brightness. Write a Python Turtle program that draw this illusion called
Write program to draw Wundt Illusion as shown. This is illusion is similar to Hering Illusion but with opposite effect. Source Code:
Similar to Cafe Wall illusion, the red lines are actually parallel. Read more about this illusion here.
All lines are actually parallel! For more information about this illusion check out Wikipedia page.
What do you see? Draw this simple shape. Check out this Wikipedia article to know more about this illusion.
In a previous project called massive chasing game, you simulated a game where you created 100 turtles and each turtle chase the next one and the last turtle chase the
Draw the following square snowflake with recursion. Source Code:
Merge Sort algorithm is fast but it requires additional array and additional copying. Quick Sort is even faster than Merge Sort. Implement Quick Sort algorithm and animate it! Here is
In previous sorting animations, we animated selection, insertion, and bubble sort. They are slow O(n^2) slow sorting algorithm. Merge Sort, a divide and conquer algorithm, is a much faster sorting