Use minimax tree search algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to write AI Tic-Tac-Toe player. You may also want to add randomness to your AI player so that it won’t play the
Use minimax tree search algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to write AI Tic-Tac-Toe player. You may also want to add randomness to your AI player so that it won’t play the
Write a connect 4 program with Python and Turtle graphics. Your game should be able to let two human players play against each other and declare winner or tie when
Game of SIM was invented in 1969 by Gustavus Simmons. In this two player (red and blue) game, each player takes turn to connect two vertices of a hexagon with the
Design a two player tic-tac-toe game with Python Turtle. You will need to use onclick() event to let two human players play against each other. Source Code:
Make a fun game that tests how fast you can identify very small color variation. You can use colorsys library to vary hue, saturation, brightness, or any combination of them.
In this Python Turtle project, you are going to develop a simple game. In this game, you create 11 flags in random positions. The player will control an emoji by