Python and Turtle animation,Difficulty Level 8,loop,math Epitrochoid Animation with Python Turtle

Epitrochoid Animation with Python Turtle

Epitrochoid to Epicycloid is similar to Hypotrochoid to Hypocycloid. Epitrochoid is a generalization of Epicycloid where the tracking point can lie inside or outside the rolling circle. Animate the drawing process of Epitrochoid and experiment with different parameters.

Epitrochoid with BigCircle/SmallCircle=7 and BigCircle/TrackingPoint=13
Epitrochoid with BigCircle/SmallCircle=5.3 and BigCircle/TrackingPoint=2.7
Epitrochoid with BigCircle/SmallCircle=1.1 and BigCircle/TrackingPoint=7.1

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