In a previous project, you drew 60 titled circles (Turtle’s heading directions are different). Compare the difference and draw this new shape.
In a previous project, you drew 60 titled circles (Turtle’s heading directions are different). Compare the difference and draw this new shape.
Draw 60 evenly spaced out tilted circles (Turtle’s heading directions are different for these circles) as shown here: Related Project: 60 Tilted Squares
Draw a square spiral like this: Related Projects: Spiral Circle Spiral Square Spiral
You drew concentric circles in a previous project. Now draw a circle spiral called Archimedean Spiral. Related Projects: Concentric Circles Spiral
In a previous level 3 project you are asked draw a Triacontagon Wheel. In the first animation project, you are asked draw a rotating line. In this project draw a
In this easy animation project, draw a rotating line. You may need to call tracer(0,0) before the animation and call update() function after drawing each frame. You may also want
Use turtle’s write() function to draw the following multiplication table.
Draw a 16×16 table of unicode symbols. Unicode starts from number 0x2600 (Hexadecimal). You can convert number to text with chr() function. You can start with different number to find
Find unicode for sad face and draw the following spiral of sad faces getting bigger.
Find unicode for chess pieces and draw a chess board.