When the opening is small, the blue square seems to be getting bigger and smaller. Thus, this illusion is called ‘Breathing Square’ illusion. As you can see below when the
When the opening is small, the blue square seems to be getting bigger and smaller. Thus, this illusion is called ‘Breathing Square’ illusion. As you can see below when the
One of the illusions included in this website is stepping feet illusion. Blue and yellow feet seems to move alternatively, but they are actually moving exactly at the same speed
Generalize Penrose Polygons to be able to draw polygon of any number of sides:
Draw an impossible Penrose Hexagon:
Draw an impossible Penrose Pentagon:
Draw an impossible Penrose Square:
Use colorsys library to animate the gradual color changes of Penrose Triangle.
Penrose Triangle is a famous impossible shape. Draw it with Python Turtle! Source Code:
Fraser Spiral is an optical illusion. To some people it looks like a spiral but it just consists of concentric circles.