This paper describes the fractal geometry of Kandariya Mahadeva Temple. Draw the following fractal shape with Python and Turtle. Source Code:
This paper describes the fractal geometry of Kandariya Mahadeva Temple. Draw the following fractal shape with Python and Turtle. Source Code:
T-Square fractal can be drawn with chaos game as shown in this project. We can also use stacked square to draw T-Square fractal. As you increase the recursion depth of
Draw the following curvy fractal tree with recursion and Turtle library. Source Code:
The quadratic Koch snowflake starts from a square. Draw the quadratic Koch snowflake starting with a triangle. Source Code:
The original Koch Snowflake is based on triangles. Draw quadratic Koch snowflake that breaks a line into 4 smaller pieces of 1/3 of the original length as shown. The following
Based on Pythagoras Tree, draw a version with filled color. Color branches with brown and leaves with green. Source Code:
Draw a fractal tree with five branches. Source Code:
Based on Slanted Fractal Tree, draw a colored version with leaves green and branches brown. Source Code:
Slightly modify the slanted fractal tree to make the color of the branch lighter as the branch gets thinner. Also slightly modify the slant angles. Source Code:
Use recursion to draw the following slated fractal tree. Notice that the pensize also changes. Source Code: