Starting from different set of three initial tangent circles and draw the reset of tangent circles.
Starting from different set of three initial tangent circles and draw the reset of tangent circles.
Given any three tangent circles, there are exactly two other circles that are tangent to the three circles. Starting from three big tangent circles of the same size, use recursion
Draw the Apollonian Gasket with colors:
Given any three tangent circles, there are exactly two other circles that are tangent to the three circles. In this project, we are drawing one of the two tangent circles
Given three random points that do not lie on the same line, draw three circles centered at these points that are tangent to one another.
Draw a colored version of Sierpinski Pentagon.
Use recursion to draw the following Sierpinski Pentagon. This project is closed related to Pentaflake Fractal. The difference is the in Pentaflake we also draw an upside down Pentaflake recursively.
Use recursion to draw the following Box Fractal shape.
In this tutorial we are going to show how to draw random islands with Python Turtle. The idea is similar to the Koch Snowflake project with added randomness. Instead of
Use recursion to draw random islands. Related Projects:Random Cloud GeneratorRandom Mountain GeneratorRandom City Skyline Generator