Draw an impossible Penrose Square:
Draw an impossible Penrose Square:
Let’s take a look at the the following unfilled cloud picture. As you can see, we drew the cloud just by drawing many arcs of different sizes and extent. The
Knowing how to draw random mountains and random clouds, draw a scene that combines both. You may want to check out these tutorials for this project:Drawing random cloudsDrawing random mountains
Knowing to how to draw a single puffy cloud, draw many of them in random locations, shapes, and sizes. You want want to check out tutorial on how to draw
Use Python Turtle to draw a random cumulous (puffy) cloud. Hint: Observe the drawing process animation. What’s next?Draw many puffy clouds in the blue sky. Tutorial for this project is
In this tutorial we are show you how to draw random mountain curves: The general idea is to define a recursive function that draw mountain curve given two end points.
Draw a random mountain curve given two end points. Tutorial for this project available: How to Draw Random Mountain Curves with Python and Turtle What’s next:Draw Blue Sky, Mountains, Clouds
Draw a different color pattern for Penrose Tiling:
We all possible hues with colorsys library to draw a very colorful Penrose tiling.
Penrose tiling is a beautiful non-periodic tiling method. Draw it with your favorite color combination.