Python and Turtle Algorithms,colorsys,custom functions,Difficulty Level 10,loop,math,python Mandelbrot Set with Different Paramaters (Source Code)

Mandelbrot Set with Different Paramaters (Source Code)

Using the center coordinate and zoom factor to draw the following Mandelbrot Set visualizations.

(-0.75, 0), Zoom=1
(-0.103865, -0.9584393), Zoom=167466.7.
(-0.761574, -0.0847596) Zoom=3125
(-0.761574, -0.0847596) Zoom=78125
(-0.59990625, -0.4290703125) Zoom=1024
(-1.62917, -0.0203968) Zoom=3125
(0.2613577, -0.002018128) Zoom=3354.786

Source Code:

from PIL import Image
import colorsys
import math

px, py = -0.7746806106269039, -0.1374168856037867 #Tante Renate
px, py, zoom = -0.74384935657398, -0.13170134084746293, 5788441.443619884
px, py, zoom = 2.613577e-1, -2.018128e-3, 3.354786e+3
px, py, zoom = -0.59990625, -0.4290703125, 1024
px, py, zoom = -1.038650e-1, -9.584393e-1, 1.674667e+5
px, py, zoom = -0.761574, -0.0847596, 78125
px, py, zoom = -1.62917,-0.0203968, 3125
px, py, zoom = -0.75,0,1
R = 3 
max_iteration = 512
w, h = 1250,1250
mfactor = 1

def Mandelbrot(x,y,max_iteration,minx,maxx,miny,maxy):
    zx = 0
    zy = 0
    RX1, RX2, RY1, RY2 = px-R/2, px+R/2,py-R/2,py+R/2
    cx = (x-minx)/(maxx-minx)*(RX2-RX1)+RX1
    cy = (y-miny)/(maxy-miny)*(RY2-RY1)+RY1
    while zx**2 + zy**2 <= 4 and i < max_iteration:
        temp = zx**2 - zy**2
        zy = 2*zx*zy + cy
        zx = temp + cx
        i += 1
    return i

def gen_Mandelbrot_image():
  bitmap ="RGB", (w, h), "white")
  pix = bitmap.load()
  for x in range(w):
    for y in range(h):
      v = c**mfactor/max_iteration**mfactor
      hv = 0.67-v*2
      #if hv<0: hv+=1
      r,g,b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hv,1,1-(v-0.1)**2/0.9**2)
      r = min(255,round(r*255))
      g = min(255,round(g*255))
      b = min(255,round(b*255))
      pix[x,y] = int(r) + (int(g) << 8) + (int(b) << 16)"Mandelbrot_"+str(px)+"_"+str(py)+"_"+str(zoom)+".jpg")

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