Also known as Koch curve, this is one of the earliest known fractal shapes. Use recursion to draw the following shape. Set the background to blue color and fill the
Also known as Koch curve, this is one of the earliest known fractal shapes. Use recursion to draw the following shape. Set the background to blue color and fill the
Also known as Koch curve, this is one of the earliest known fractal shapes. Use recursion and colorsys library to draw this shape with gradually changing colors. The following video
In a previous project you are asked draw a colorful Sierpinski Triangle with recursion and colorsys library. Now animate this beautiful triangle as shown in the video below. Related Projects:
If a previous project, you are asked to draw a recursive window. In this project, animate the recursive window as shown above. Related Project: Recursive Window
Animate a moving cart with a smiley inside 🙂 Related Projects: 3 Moving Wheels Moving Wheel Animation
Use turtle animation to draw an analog clock with only second hand. You can either use turtle timer event or use time library’s sleep function to make the clock move.
Use turtle animation to draw an analog clock. You can either use turtle timer event or use time library’s sleep function to make the clock move. Related Projects: Second Hand
In previous moving wheel project you are asked to draw one moving wheel. In this project, draw three moving wheels in different sizes but moving any the same speed, and
Draw the following moving wheel animation. Note that wheel is both rotating and moving.
Draw a rotating color wheel. Related Project: Rotating Wheel Color Wheel