Although both orange circles have the same size, one appears to be bigger than the other.
Although both orange circles have the same size, one appears to be bigger than the other.
The bar in the middle seems to get darker from left to right. Actually, the bar as the same brightness. Write a Python Turtle program that draw this illusion called
Write program to draw Wundt Illusion as shown. This is illusion is similar to Hering Illusion but with opposite effect. Source Code:
Similar to Cafe Wall illusion, the red lines are actually parallel. Read more about this illusion here.
All lines are actually parallel! For more information about this illusion check out Wikipedia page.
In a previous project, you drew a Sierpinski Triangle with Chaos Game. Instead of a triangle, use four points of a square as the target points and play the chaos
Draw graphs of functions with Python Turtle. Hint: use Turtle’s setworldcoordinates() function. The following is graphs of some selected functions:
Use several colors to draw multiple spirals.
Code a spiral made of colors randomly picked from a set and make it look like this:
Draw a pink flower! This project is related to circle of half circles.